About our privacy policy

ByHink finds your privacy very important. We therefore only process data that we need for (improving) our services and handle the information we have collected about you and your use of our services with care. We never make your data available to third parties for commercial purposes. This privacy policy applies to the use of the website and the services provided by ByHink. The starting date for the validity of these conditions is 02/02/2020, with the publication of a new version the validity of all previous versions expires. This privacy policy describes what information about you is collected by us, what this information is used for and with whom and under what conditions this information may be shared with third parties. We also explain to you how we store your data and how we protect your data against misuse and what rights you have with regard to the personal data you provide to us. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact our privacy contact person, whose contact details can be found at the end of our privacy policy.

About data processing

Below you can read how we process your data, where we store it, which security techniques we use and for whom the data is visible. Online store software

Payment processors | Mollie

We use the Mollie platform to process (part of) the payments in our online store. Mollie processes your name, address and residence details and your payment details such as your bank account or credit card number. Mollie has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. Mollie reserves the right to use your data to further improve the services and in this context to share (anonymized) data with third parties. All the above-mentioned guarantees with regard to the protection of your personal data also apply to the parts of Mollie's services for which they engage third parties. Mollie does not store your data for longer than is permitted by the legal periods.

Shipping and logistics

If you place an order with us, it is our job to have your package delivered to you. We use the services of PostNL to carry out deliveries. It is necessary for us to share your name, address and residence details with PostNL. PostNL only uses this information for the purpose of executing the agreement. In the event that PostNL engages subcontractors, PostNL will also make your data available to these parties.


We use cookies to improve the user experience when you visit our site.

What is a cookie? A cookie is a simple small file that is sent with pages from this website [and/or Flash applications] and is stored by your browser on the hard drive of your computer or mobile phone. The information stored therein can be sent back to our servers on a subsequent visit.

We use cookies to improve the ease of use on our site. We can distinguish these cookies into Functional cookies, analytical cookies and marketing cookies. For example, the functional cookies remember your login details when you have indicated this. These cookies are also used to save your wishlist. The cookies also remember the items you have placed in your shopping cart, the last category you visited or the product you last viewed. The information is never shared with third parties.

Our analytical cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors came to the site and the pages they visited. No personal information is collected in this process. These cookies are stored for a maximum of 2 years. Google does not share anonymous data with third parties.

Our marketing cookies are used for retargeting, optimizing and allocating online advertisements. This information is kept for a maximum of 2 months. We also use marketing cookies for tracking & remarketing on Facebook to make targeted offers based on behavior. This information is shared with Facebook and is kept for a maximum of 3 months.

We only connect your cookie ID with the personal data we have regarding your customer account.

You can easily delete or disable cookies yourself via your browser on your computer or mobile phone. If you delete these cookies please note that some content on our site may no longer be available.

Changes to the privacy policy

We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time. However, you will always find the most recent version on this page. If the new privacy policy has consequences for the way in which we process already collected data relating to you, we will inform you by e-mail.

Contact details and person responsible

The person responsible for data processing is ByHink, Jan Goeverneurstraat 8, 9724 LL Groningen, the Netherlands.


Contact: info@byhink.nl

Chamber of Commerce number: 78020719

VAT identification number: NL003273549B39

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